
Hermes handbags and Sofia Coppola Hermes handbags

Hermes handbags: Recently, the fashion region hot conveys that Hermes cooperated with a young directress Sofia Coppola. Sofia has design the X Sofia Coppola series of shoes and handbags for Hermes. The practical style mix with the luxury material make low profile luxury Hermes perfectly matches the simple elegant Sofia Coppola. It is estimate that it will set off a wave of panic buying hermes handbags.
Sofia Coppola said she made a decision to cooperate with Hermes once for visiting the order placing of Asnieres factory of hermes handbags in France. At first she just wants to order a hermes handbag for herself, but then they talk to how to design some new style. She expresses frankly, her friends and she want to find a kind of beautiful and practical handbag. The hermes handbag should not too big and too heavy. It should be just content all the daily using things. She loves aestheticism and fashion. She said she just want to order a hermes handbag which can be taken out everyday, but not for the fashion brand of hermes.
She even spent one year with hermes’ designers to make the best design. She said they thought a lot of design proposals and it is very interesting that she always add something on the proposal to create a new style.
Success always belongs to a willing heart. They have designed four kinds of SC hermes handbags, one for the grey suede, one for canvas with double C, the others for deep blue and mauve kip. Moreover, Sofia Coppola have design another four kinds slim Hand grip package with hermes aestheticism button. Otherwise, she also thought about the fashion heroine Lauren Hutton, then she designed a big hermes canvas handbag.
Sofia is not only the friend of Hermes and the famous brand designer Marc Jacobs, but also one of the last season ads spokesmen of hermes handbags

